Also of Interest

Many of these sites honor and remember writers by name. Other sites are places where particular writers significantly contributed to the history of that institution.  We have divided this list by types of institutions.

Jump to: Cemeteries Churches DC Government DC Parks Embassies Hospitals Hotels Libraries Museums National Park Service Non-Profit Organizations Public Schools Restaurants Roads & Bridges Universities


Arlington National Cemetery

Harvey Allen Ludwig Bemelmans Millicent Todd Bingham Herman Hoffman Birney, Jr. Clay Blair Henry Van Ness Boynton Estelle Aubrey Brown William Raymond Corson George Washington Parke Custis Ann Darr Robert John Donovan Granville Roland Fortescue Marcus Goodrich Dashiell Hammett Richard Josiah Hinton Juanita Redmon Hipps Robert Ingersoll Walter Karig Burt Kennedy John F. Kennedy Michael David Kilian Harold King Irving R. Levine Katherine Marshall Mabel Wood Martin Gene Patterson Robert Peary Charles Johnson Post Charles Edward Potter John Wesley Powell Lewis B. Puller Martha Putney Mary Randolph Mary Roberts Rinehart Tere Rios Kenneth L. Roberts Clarke Robinson Jackie Ronne Cordwainer Smith Helen Herron Taft Nancy Whitehead Reed Whittemore Charles Ray Willeford Herbert Osborn Yardley Zitkala-Ša (under the name Gertrude Simmons Bonnin)

Glenwood Cemetery

John L. McCreery Seabury Grandin Quinn (under the pen name Jerome Burke)

Historic Congressional Cemetery

J. Goldsborough Bruff George Washington Cutter Nicholas A. Dunaev B.B. French Joseph Gales, Jr. Adam Gurowski Charles Frederick Henningsen Horatio King Alain Locke John Silva Meehan Anne Royall Mary Howard Schoolcraft John Philip Sousa William Thornton George Watterston William Wirt

Historic Woodlawn Cemetery

John Francis Cook, Sr. Daniel Alexander Payne Murray

Lincoln Memorial Cemetery, Suitland MD

Sam Lacy Kelly Miller Max Robinson Mary Church Terrell Joseph A. Walker, Jr. Charles Harris Wesley Edward Christopher Williams Carter G. Woodson

National Harmony Memorial Park, Largo MD

Elizabeth Keckley

Oak Hill Cemetery

Frederick A. Aiken Gamaliel Bailey Spencer Fullerton Baird Ellen Tarr O’Connor Calder John A. Joyce Nancy Polk Lasselle Jeanie Gould Lincoln John Nicolay William Douglas O’Connor John Henry Payne E.D.E.N. Southworth

St. Mary's Catholic Church Cemetery

F. Scott Fitzgerald Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald

St. Paul's Rock Creek Episcopal Parish, Rock Creek Cemetery

Henry Adams Mary Clemmer Ames Malvina French Harlan M. Carl Holman Philander Chase Johnson Untitled Evalyn Walsh McLean Thomas Nelson Page Terence Vincent Powderly Tim Russert Upton Sinclair Margaret Bayard Smith Samuel Harrison Smith Ainsworth Spofford Gore Vidal


Church of Scientology

L. Ron Hubbard

Ebenezer United Methodist Church

Emma V. Brown

Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church

John F. Cook, Sr. Charlotte Forten Grimké Sojourner Truth Elizabeth Keckley

Luther Place Memorial Church

Lloyd C. Douglas

New York Avenue Presbyterian Church

Catherine Marshall

St. John's Church Parish House

Owen Meredith

Washington National Cathedral

Edith Bolling Galt Wilson Isabel Weld Perkins Anderson Helen Keller John Milton (Poets and Writers Window) Dante Alighieri (Poets and Writers Window) Emily Dickinson (St. John's Chapel embroidery kneelers) Ralph Waldo Emerson Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Edna St. Vincent Millay Edgar Allan Poe Walt Whitman

DC Government

DC Commission on the Arts

Sterling A. Brown (Office of the Poet Laureate) Larry Neal (Writers Awards)

Kalorama Citizens Association

Joel Barlow

Perry School Community Services Center (former M Street High School)

Mary Church Terrell Sterling A. Brown Jessie Redmon Fauset Jean Toomer Edward Christopher Williams

DC Public Art

Aleksandr Pushkin (Monument) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Statue) Samuel Gompers (Memorial) Ulysses S. Grant (Memorial) Olive Risley Seward (Statue)

DC Recorder of Deeds building

Frederick Douglass

DC Parks

Dupont Circle Park

Ed Cox (Dupont Circle School writer) Tim Dlugos (Dupont Circle School writer) Jim Everhard (Dupont Circle School writer) Liam Rector (Dupont Circle School writer)

Francis Scott Key Park

Francis Scott Key

Freedom Plaza

Mary Clemmer Ames Charles Dickens Ralph Waldo Emerson Ernest Kroll Walt Whitman

Guy Mason Recreation Center, Alley of Russian Poets

Anna Akhmatova Aleksandr Blok Afanasy Fet Nikolai Gumilyov Mikhail Lermontov Osip Mandelstam Boris Pasternak Aleksandr Pushkin Marina Tsvetaeva Fyodor Tyutchev

Khalil Gibran Memorial Garden

Khalil Gibran

Lafayette Park

Henry Adams George Bancroft John Hay Paul Jennings George Cabot Lodge Robert Lowell Owen Meredith Benjamin Ogle Tayloe

Walt Whitman Park

Walt Whitman


Embassy of Algiers

Perle Mesta

Embassy of India

Triloki Nath Kaul

Embassy of Indonesia

Evalyn Walsh McLean

Embassy of Latvia

Natalie Clifford Barney

Embassy of Myanmar

Perle Mesta Herbert Hoover

Embassy of Sri Lanka

Ananda W. P. Guruge

Embassy of Syria

Helen Herron Taft

Embassy of Zambia

Mary Roberts Rinehart

Mexican Cultural Institute

Carlos Fuentes

Organization of American States

Erico Verissimo Pablo Neruda (Sculpture Garden) Ruben Dario (Sculpture Garden) Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz (Sculpture Garden) Teresa de la Parra (Sculpture Garden) Gabriela Mistral (Sculpture Garden)


St. Elizabeth's Hospital

Ezra Pound


Hay-Adams Hotel

Henry Adams John Hay

Willard Intercontinental

Charles Dickens Emily Dickinson Nathaniel Hawthorne Julia Ward Howe Mark Twain Walt Whitman


Folger Shakespeare Library

O.B. Hardison, Jr. Liam Rector Robert Sargent

George Washington University Libraries, Gelman Library Special Collections, Washington Writers Archives

Library of Congress

Paul Laurence Dunbar (US Poet Laureate) Archibald MacLeish (US Poet Laureate) Saint-John Perse (US Poet Laureate) Katherine Anne Porter (US Poet Laureate) Reed Whittemore (US Poet Laureate) Demosthenes (Busts of Eminent Men of Letters) Ralph Waldo Emerson (Busts of Eminent Men of Letters) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Busts of Eminent Men of Letters) Washington Irving (Busts of Eminent Men of Letters) Benjamin Franklin (Busts of Eminent Men of Letters) Thomas Babington Macaulay (Busts of Eminent Men of Letters) Nathaniel Hawthorne (Busts of Eminent Men of Letters) Walter Scott (Busts of Eminent Men of Letters) Dante Alighieri (Busts of Eminent Men of Letters) David Kresh

University of Maryland Archives and Manuscripts Department

Conrad Aiken Louisa May Alcott Louis Auchincloss Djuna Barnes Carl Bode James M. Cain Hart Crane Robert Creeley John Dos Passos T.S. Eliot William Faulkner Roland Flint Robert Frost Thom Gunn Ernest Hemingway Laura Riding Jackson Walter Kerr H.L. Mencken Marianne Moore Ogden Nash John Pauker Ezra Pound Ferdinand Reyher Karl Shapiro Gertrude Stein John Steinbeck Reed Whittemore William Carlos Williams William Butler Yeats


Corcoran Gallery of Art

Benjamin Ogle Tayloe

National Museum of Civil War Medicine, Office of Missing Soldiers

Clara Barton

The Octagon House

Benjamin Ogle Tayloe

Sewall-Belmont House & Museum

Muna Lee

Smithsonian Institution

Solomon G. Brown (The Castle) Julia Child (Museum of American History) Evalyn Walsh McLean (Museum of American History) William Temple Hornaday (National Zoological Park)

Woodrow Wilson House

Edith Bolling Galt Wilson

National Park Service

Carter G. Woodson National Historic Site

Carter G. Woodson

Clara Barton National Historic Site

Clara Barton

Frederick Douglass National Historic Site

Frederick Douglass

Meridian Hill Park, aka Malcolm X Park

Dante Alighieri

Rock Creek Park

Joaquin Miller (cabin) Jean Jules Jusserand (bench)

Theodore Roosevelt Memorial

Theodore Roosevelt

Non-Profit Organizations

Arts Club of Washington

Henry Adams

Association for the Study of African American Life and History

Carter G. Woodson

Casa Italiana

Dante Alighieri (statue) Michelangelo (statue)

Daughters of the American Revolution


Fall for the Book Festival

Mary Roberts Rinehart (Award)

Frederick Douglass Museum and Hall of Fame for Caring Americans

Frederick Douglass

Katherine Anne Porter Society

Katherine Anne Porter

National Geographic Society

Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore

New School for African American Thought

Gaston Neal

Phyllis Wheatley YWCA

Zora Neale Hurston

Rachel Carson Council House

Rachel Carson

Robert and Mary Church Terrell House and LeDroit Park Museum

Mary Church Terrell

Sasha Bruce Youthwork

Evangeline Bruce

Scottish Rite Masonic Temple

Albert Pike

Society of the Cincinnati

Isabel Weld Perkins Anderson

Thornton Wilder Society

Thornton Wilder

Thurgood Marshall Center for Service and Heritage

Langston Hughes

Washington Friends of Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman

The Word Works

Hilary Tham (Capital Collection) Jacklyn Potter (Young Poets Competition) Joaquin Miller (Reading Series)

The Writer's Center

Ann Darr John Elsberg Roland Flint

Public Schools

Burroughs Education Campus

John Burroughs

Crummell Elementary School building

Alexander Crummell

Garnet-Patterson Middle School

Pearl Bailey

Kelly Miller Middle School

Kelly Miller

Key Elementary School

Francis Scott Key

Maya Angelou Public Charter School

Maya Angelou

Paul Laurence Dunbar High

Mary P. Burrill

Sumner School Museum and Archives

Emma V. Brown

Terrell McGogney Elementary School

Mary Church Terrell

Walt Whitman High, Bethesda, MD

Walt Whitman


Busboys and Poets

Countee Cullen (Cullen Room) Langston Hughes (Langston Room) Howard Zinn (Zinn Room)

Eatonville Restaurant

Zora Neale Hurston

Roads & Bridges

Clara Barton Parkway

Clara Barton

Francis Scott Key Bridge

Francis Scott Key

Frederick Douglass Bridge

Frederick Douglass

Langston Hughes Way

Langston Hughes

Theodore Roosevelt Bridge

Theodore Roosevelt

Walt Whitman Way

Walt Whitman


The Catholic University of America

Cicely Angleton Walter Kerr Barbara Raskin Charles Warren Stoddard James Kavanaugh

George Mason University

Mary Roberts Rinehart (Award) Jim Everhard Liam Rector

Howard University

Alain Locke (Hall) Gwendolyn Bennett (Art Department) Letitia Woods Brown (History Dept) John Wesley Cromwell (Law School) Owen Dodson (Drama Department) Alain Locke (Art Gallery) Sterling A. Brown (English Department) Zora Neale Hurston (English Department) John Killens (English Department) May Miller (English Department) Ahmos Zu-Bolton II (English Department) Edward Christopher Williams (Founder's Library, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center) Carter G. Woodson (History Department) Rudolph Fisher (Medical School) Alain Locke (Philosophy Department) Kelly Miller (Sociology Department)

Johns Hopkins University

Elizabeth C. Sullam Cordwainer Smith

Trinity College

Ella Dorsey Cordwainer Smith

University of Maryland

Juan Ramón Jiménez (Jiménez Hall) Ellis L. Yochelson Reed Whittemore Katherine Anne Porter (McKeldin Library, Katherine Anne Porter Room)