Arthur P. Davis

(November 21, 1904April 21, 1996)

Davis taught at Howard University from 1944 to 1980. He co-edited two influential anthologies: The Negro Caravan with Sterling Brown (1941), and Cavalcade with J. Saunders Redding (1971). Davis also edited Isaac Watts: His Life and Works (1943) and wrote a compilation of essays, From the Dark Tower: Afro-American Writers 1900 – 1960 (1974). Individual articles and short fiction appeared in The Crisis, Phylon, Obsidian, Negro Digest, Promethean, The Journal of Negro History, and the Norfolk Journal and Guide (where he had a regular column, “With a Grain of Salt,” from 1933 – 1950).

Among his many honors, Davis was the recipient of an award from the College Language Association for distinguished contributions to literary scholarship, a Distinguished Critic Award from the Middle Atalntic Writers Association, a Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership Award from the DC Public Library, and an honorary doctorate from Howard University.

The Homes

3001 Veazey Terrace NW, Apartment 416, Washington, DC

Located in Van Ness neighborhood, Northwest- West of Rock Creek