Born in Minas Gerais, Brazil, Cecilio J. Carneiro was a doctor and scientist involved in diplomatic service. While working at the Pan American Union Carneiro was awarded the first Latin American Novel Prize by Archibald MacLeish; John Dos Passos was on the jury.
His books include Memórias De Cinco/Memories of Five (1939), A fogueira/The Bonfire (1944), Pecado nos Trópicos/Sin in the Tropics (1948), Memórias de um Redivivo/Memoirs of a Revenent (1955), Brás/Bras (1956), O Tumulo dos Amantes/The Tomb of the Lovers(1957), A Filha das Águas/Daughter Of The Waters (1967), and O Rei Adolescente/The Adolescent King (1969). He also translated books from English into Portuguese.
The Homes

2015 Belmont Street NW, Washington, DC
Cecilio J. Carneiro
2015 Belmont Street NW
Located in Sheridan/Kalorama neighborhood, Northwest - East of Rock Creek