Cecilio J. Carneiro


Born in Minas Gerais, Brazil, Cecilio J. Carneiro was a doctor and scientist involved in diplomatic service. While working at the Pan American Union Carneiro was awarded the first Latin American Novel Prize by Archibald MacLeishJohn Dos Passos was on the jury.

His books include Memórias De Cinco/Memories of Five (1939), A fogueira/The Bonfire (1944), Pecado nos Trópicos/Sin in the Tropics (1948), Memórias de um Redivivo/Memoirs of a Revenent (1955), Brás/Bras (1956), O Tumulo dos Amantes/The Tomb of the Lovers(1957), A Filha das Águas/Daughter Of The Waters (1967), and O Rei Adolescente/The Adolescent King (1969). He also translated books from English into Portuguese.

The Homes

2015 Belmont Street NW, Washington, DC

Located in Sheridan/Kalorama neighborhood, Northwest - East of Rock Creek

Cecilio J. Carneiro

2015 Belmont Street NW
Located in Sheridan/Kalorama neighborhood, Northwest - East of Rock Creek