Charles Warren Stoddard lived at this address from 1889 to 1892, while Head of the English Department at the Catholic University of America.
He published a novel, For the Pleasure of His Company (1903), a volume of poetry, Poems (1867), and at least 13 nonfiction travel books, including South Sea Idyls (1873), Mashallah!: A Flight Into Egypt (1881), The Lepers of Molokai (1885), and Over the Rocky Mountains to Alaska (1899). He also wrote a memoir about his conversion to Catholicism, A Troubled Heart and How It Was Comforted (1885). In addition, Stoddard wrote journalism, as a correspondent for the San Francisco Chronicle, and as co-editor of the Overland Monthly.
Stoddard credited Walt Whitman‘s “Calamus” poems as an inspiration for much of his homoerotic writing about the natives of the South Seas. He developed life-long literary friendships with Ambrose Bierce, Henry Adams, and Joaquin Miller, among others.
The Homes

300 N St. NW, Washington, DC
Charles Warren Stoddard
300 N St. NW, Washington, DC
Located in Truxton Circle neighborhood, Northwest - East of Rock Creek