Ezra Taft Benson

(August 4, 1899May 30, 1994)

Ezra Taft Benson was the controversial Secretary of Agriculture under President Dwight D. Eisenhower from 1953 to 1961. In that position, he was an outspoken opponent of communism and socialism, and spoke out against farm subsidies. A leader in the Mormon Church, he was president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Mormon church president.

Benson was the author of several nonfiction books and pamphlets on politics and religion. His titles include: The Red Carpet (1962), Title of Liberty (1964), An Enemy Hath Done This (1969), Civil Rights: Tool of Communist Deception (1969), God, Family, Country: Our Three Great Loyalties (1974), This Nation Shall Endure (1977), Come Unto Christ (1983), The Constitution: A Heavenly Banner (1986), A Witness and A Warning (1988), Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice (1990), and Elect Women of God (1992). Of special interest is his memoir, Cross Fire: The Eight Years with Eisenhower (1976).

The Homes

1907 Quincy St. NW, Washington, DC

Located in Crestwood neighborhood, Northwest - East of Rock Creek

Ezra Taft Benson

1907 Quincy St. NW
Located in Crestwood neighborhood, Northwest - East of Rock Creek