Florence Jackson Stoddard, a folklorist, journalist, suffragist, poet and fiction writer, lived at this address in the 1920s. She was the author of As Old As the Moon: Cuban Legends, Folklore of the Antilles (1909), Pascuala, and At the Shoe of Venus, and translator of Myths of the Quichuas, and Legends of the Guaranis.
Stoddard worked for several periodicals; she was a foreign correspondent for the New York Evening Post while living in South America and Europe, and was on the staff of the New York Tribune and McCall’s Magazine and Overland Monthly . She also founded the National Pen League and served as its president. She was the grand-niece of President Andrew Jackson.
The Homes

2019 N St. NW, Washington, DC
Florence Jackson Stoddard
2019 N St. NW, Washington, DC
Located in Dupont Circle neighborhood, Northwest - East of Rock Creek