Mary Stone Hanley is the author of a book of poems, Road Trip (Anaphora Literary Press, 2017), published posthumously. She is also the author of nine plays for young people and two screenplays, including “The Name Game” (2013 DC Black Theater Festival), and “Street Life” and “Sunshine and Rain” (African Continuum Theater Festival). She was a member of the Black Women Playwrights’ Group.
She received a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction in multicultural education and drama from the University of Washington, Seattle. From 1996 to 2012, she taught arts education and critical multicultural education courses at Antioch University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and George Mason University. She wrote and performed poetry for decades and created poetry workshops in higher education and in various communities to stimulate creative and critical thinking about issues of race, class, and social justice. Her poetry was published in educational journals such as Cultural Studies-Critical Methodologies, International Journal of Education and the Arts, and The Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, as well as literary journals such as Beltway Poetry Quarterly. She earned an MFA in Creative Writing at American University in 2017.
The Homes
304 Aspen St. NW, Apt. 103, Washington, DC
Mary Stone Hanley
304 Aspen St NW, Washington, DC, USA
Located in Takoma neighborhood, Northwest- West of Rock Creek