Siv Cedering Fox

(February 5, 1939November 17, 2007)

Siv Cedering Fox is the author of twelve books of poetry, as well as six children’s books, two novels, several plays (including musicals for children), translations and screenplays. Born in Sweden, thirty kilometers north of the Arctic Circle, she moved to America when she was 14.

Fox was an exhibiting sculptor and painter, illustrated books, and wrote songs and TV programs for children. Her work was published in journals such as Harper’sScienceMs., and Georgia Review and in approximately 200 anthologies and textbooks. She did not have any formal training in writing beyond high school, but was mentored by poets such as William Stafford. Fox taught in graduate and undergraduate writing programs all over America.

In 1969, she won the John Masefield Award from the Poetry Society of America, and the William Marion Reedy Award from the same society in 1970. In 1974, she won the Best Poems of 1973 Borestone Mountain Poetry Award, and in 1976 she was awarded the CAPS fellowship for poetry from the New York State Council on the Arts. In 1977, she won the Emily Dickinson Award from the Poetry Society of America. Fox also won the Pushcart Prize for Poetry in 1985 as well as the Science Fiction Poetry Association Rhysling Award and the New York Foundation for the Arts artist’s fellowship for poetry that same year. She often wrote about erotic themes in her poetry, and in later years explored combinations of science and legend. Her poetry books include Cup of Cold Water (1973), The Juggler (1977), and Twelve Pages from the Floating World (1983).

The Homes

11008 Picasso Lane, Potomac, MD

Located in Maryland

Siv Cedering Fox

11008 Picasso Lane, Potomac MD
Located in Maryland

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